Hand embroidery Design work done by Mrs. Sumithra. Mainly she used running and Laizy daizy stitch in Running stitch is the simplest form of hand stitch which is used for permanent sewing. Hand made seams, tucks, gathering, shirring, quilting and mending can be done with this stitch. Just become a Fashion designing technologist today. Enroll No.1 Technical Educational institution. Study various courses in Aari embroidery, Machine embroidery, Jewelry making, & Tailoring. Join Hand embroidery Design Classes in Chennai Join and Hand embroidery Design Work in Chennai Fashion Institute. It is similar to even basting, but the stitches are much smaller. The stitches should be straight,fine and evenly spaced and about 1/16 to 1/8 inch is length. Pass the needle through the fabric several times before pulling it through. Hand embroidery Design work done by Mrs. Sumithra. Mainly she used running and laizy daizy stitch in Running stitch is the simplest form of hand stitch. This is used for permanent sewing. Hand made seams, tucks, gathering, shirring, quilting and mending Hand made seams, tucks, gathering, shirring, quilting and mending can be done with this stitch. It is similar to even basting, but the stitches are much smaller. Hand embroidery Design is quite good for new trends across the globe. The stitches should be straight, fine and evenly spaced. It is about 1/16 to 1/8 inch is length. Just Pass the needle through the fabric several times before pulling it through. Laizy daizy stitch in Running stitch Laizy daizy stitch in Running stitch is the simplest form of hand stitch. This is used for permanent sewing. Hand made seams, tucks, gathering, shirring, quilting and mending as well as Double herringbone Embroidery can be done with this stitch. The Classes for Hand embroidery Design is available with top fashion College in India. It […]
Fashion designing Technology & Tailoring | Maggam Tamil Meaning
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