Make Your Life Better With These Fantastic Fashion Advice. Here are your top resources if you want to assist someone who you believe needs assistance with their sense of style. You can use the information in this article to help someone else you know figure out how to sharpen their sense of style. Appearance for some basic pieces of clothes that you may add to to create a new look because fashions are continuously changing. The fundamental outfit that you can dress up or down, wear in the summer or the winter, is a pair of well-fitting black pants. Chennai fashion institute is the Best place for ladies to learn Fabric Belt Fashion designing in Mogappair, Chennai.
What is Fabric belt?
The finest fashion advice is to wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Everyone has a distinct take on what is in style, so you can desire to be someone you’re not. The truth is that when you stay loyal to yourself, you are always in style, regardless of your personal style. Belt has functional and decorative purposes in children’s garments. The belt can be made of contrast material. There are various kinds of Fabric belt for children and women.

How can we decorate with Fabric belt?
Fabric Belt can be decorated with customized metal buckle. Belts are available in metal, nylon, canvas, cloth, leather and more. Stretching the elastic belt is superb and it looks fantastic. The belt can be tied with a bow at the back or one side or even on both sides. Make sure the shades are an exact or close match when you wear two items that are the same colour. Do not, for instance, mix a navy blue shirt with midnight blue slacks. Despite the fact that they are both blue, they do not look as coordinated as they would if they were all the same shade.

How to stitch Fabric Belt?
- Measure the circumference where you plan to wear the belt, whether it would be in the waist, hips, or somewhere in between.
2. Cut two strips of cloth and a long strip of interfacing with what you specified in step one. The width of this strip should be 1 “wider than the inside width of your Fabric Belt buckle.
3. Pin together strips of your fabric as shown above, with a single layer on the face of the bottom-up, layer two in the middle, face down, and the interfacing on top.
4. Stitch together strips, removing pins as you go along. Keep the first line of stitching a little less than 1/5 “from the edge. It may be helpful to measure and draw a second suture line before running it through the machine to make sure you sew to the right width.
5. Use sharp scissors to trim away excess fabric side seam. Before you do this, lay your belt buckle more seams to ensure the line is the correct distance apart.
6. Reversing the right side of the belt using a large safety pin. Hook it into the fabric, and push the pin through the “tube” of cloth and come out the other end. This will require smoothing the fabric gathered along the way.
7. Flat iron belt, making efforts to ensure the full width of the Fabric Belt is on as you go along. Slip one end of the belt in the “tube,” and sew closed.
8. Closed loop end of the belt through the belt buckle. Tuck the bottom end and stitch it to the belt. Make sure your lines are placed so that the seam is hidden by the Fabric Belt buckle.

Other Fashion Info
- Stitching Classes – Tailoring Training
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- Fabric painting work
- Kids party wear frock
Learn Western garments at Chennai fashion institute
For details of Fabric Belt classes contact; +91 9884861088. You’ll want to figure out how to assist them now that you know how to assist someone with their fashion. Let them know that you are working to improve their image and that by assisting them with their wardrobe, you can make a big difference in how people perceive them.